Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Day 146: When the winter is so very cold, how dare it be so hot in the summer? Shouldn't the summer temperature also be about 15 degrees less? This photo is what it feels like after 4 nights hovering between 29 and 30 degrees, I am absolutely NOT a summer person and as I've mentioned before feel close to devastated that having moved to the other side of the world, the one thing I really hate about living in Australia becomes the one thing I really hate about living in Germany except that here there are no air conditioners, anywhere. Nor any sea breezes nor southerly busters. I lived for four years in a one room cockroach infested bedsit with paper thing walls, crazy prostitute drug addict neighbours, no window, and a stingy repair avoiding landlord... why you ask? Because it had an air conditioner and it meant I could spend the nights of January and February (substitute now July and August) sleeping, and the days of January and February NOT being in a state of panic about yet another night without sleep! Argh.


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