Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Day 230: Back online after a week without internet. While I didn't freak out and feel isolated from all I know and love, it was annoying. Especially as the "help"desk people at the server company gave us a new version of the problem every day, which of course they were making up as they went along. What seemed the most obvious thing to do, which in the end was done, took a mere 3 minutes to undertake. Grrrr. On the upside, when we got back online we discovered we had sold some items on Ebay for 150euro, which was exciting for exactly 2.5 hours, at which point we discovered we have to pay 700euro to get the car repaired! Oh well. Even if I'll never be rich, at least I'm thin and beautiful. Oh wait. Bugger.

Day 229: Some form of epiphany regarding irregular verbs in prateritum form!

Day 228: Ich mache gern meine deutch hausausgabe.... oder??

Day 227: Yet another image at the window. Is the light the attraction or is there some deeper psychological force at work?

Day 226: Checking out a birthday party for the neighbours over the lane. A Hausfrau's work is never done!

Day 225: ...although it did seem to attract the attentions of alien beings.

Day 224: Fortunately the wind didn't change direction while I took this photo.

Day 223.

Day 222.


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