Friday, March 30, 2007

Day 414: Another daily rant, how dedicated am I this week. Here I am with my very last Twinings Lady Grey Teabag. I brought 200 of them with me back in 2004, and they have lasted till now. I was right in thinking they wouldn't be available here (although you can get the loose leaf version in the equivalent of David Jones Food Hall), but I've since realised that its the bergamot flavour I like, and that is the point of Earl Grey tea, which is readily available here, even in Aldi. So, farewell to Lady Grey (and Lady Jane for that matter.) Another twinge in the balance between home here and home there. Not sure if I will be so keen on travelling through Sydney Airport now though, I read yesterday that there will be new security measures including body frisks, and of course the restrictions on gels and liquids in hand luggage. In inimitable Aussie style, the new security staff will be wearing bright yellow t-shirts with the slogan "Pack it right, enjoy your flight" printed on the front. Now call me sensitive, but I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea of someone working under that particular mission statement having legal access to a feel of my 'inside leg'...


Blogger Rinda Elliott said...

LOL! Just give em a naughty grin. Make them nervous so they hurry through it.

6:14 pm  
Blogger photo a day 15til40 said...

LOL Rinda! Yes, you never know - "have a nice flight" might be a promise rather than a wish!

8:14 pm  

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