Day 318: In the early dawn light as I head for school. So dark and cold, I always expect to get there and discover I'm 3 hours too early and should go home to bed. Alas no.
Another excellent German saying (for someone never satisfied): I could catch flies with my bum for you, and you still wouldn't be happy.
Day 317: Today was the shortest day of the year. There is something slightly unsettling about walking in the freezing cold rugged up to the nines, in the dark at 4.30pm listening to "6 white boomers" on the iPod. In anycase, the last of the Christmas shopping completed so feeling very righteous if not downright saintly!
Here in Germany, the Christmas celebrations are mainly on Heilig Arbend (Christmas Eve), although I refuse to open my presents until the 25th. Does it mean there are 3 more sleeps or 4 more sleeps?
Day 315: Study study study. Before I went to Australia I rated 3 out of 5 for my grammer in my letter writing, since I've been back (after 6 weeks of no german), it's slipped to 1 out of 5. When I get it up to 4 out of 5 for the actual exam, all shall be well. Today in our test test, there was one crucial word that I didn't know, and my guess was way off. My letter won't be as incorrect as it could have been by chance, but it certainly has an unintended sarcastic tone. "I certainly hope you will be able to complete your house move without the dictionary I borrowed 3 months ago, I will bring it back on Saturday". What I thought I wrote was "I hope you will be able to complete your thesis without the dictionary...". Sowieso.
Other excellend German sayings (for the pretentious person): She wants to piss with the big dogs, but she can't lift her leg high enough!
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