Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Day 75. Couldn't quite manage to fit in the rather spectacular red tulip which is just above the top of the frame.
Another day, too busy for gym. The guest room is now painted and 13 of the 89 canvases have been dismantled, which is no mean feat. The mess seems to expand in all directions, no matter how we try to restrict it. It would be good to have time stand still for an extra few hours to catch up on some homework, some housework, some workout. Work work work. My only response is to sit down with the last of the Easter chocolate and watch some TV! Actually, I may go easy on the choc as want to get weighed tomorrow at gym. I jumped on the scales yesterday, about an hour after dinner, and seemed to be half a KG lighter, but who knows what tomorrow will show. Time will tell, and so, dear reader, shall I.


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