Thursday, April 27, 2006

Day 77: Technically not a self portrait and technically not taken today (11.30pm yesterday in fact). But still worth recording the facts in the harsh light of day. I am standing in the middle of a light installation outside one of Frankfurt's modern art galleries, as part of an exhibition concerning light which is on and in buildings throughout the whole city. This area has hundreds of lights within a domed ceiling, it has the stark light and heat of a summer day at noon, the buzz and crackle from the electrical set up is loud and unsettling. Anyway, this is to remind myself that despite all efforts, when I'm not paying attention I still look like the love child of Magda Szubanski and William Shakespeare. Apparently Raquel Welsh (possibly that should be 'supposedly' rather than 'apparently', as I haven't made a detailed study) had some ribs removed to make her stomach look smaller. I wonder if that would help me? Would probably just make my breasts look bigger....maybe that was why it was done in the first place?

The price of fatness is eternal vigilance. Can I go without treats until my birthday, a mere 13 days away? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


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