So, "forty years, how'd ya feel?" I have to say that my one and only sadness is missing out on fatherhood, otherwise in every case where I have wanted something and didn't get it, I got something unexpected and much better in its place. I have three university degrees but am most proud of my TAFE certificate in Fitness Training and my Zertificate Deutsch, both of which took copious amounts of blood, sweat and tears (not to mention embarassment and humiliation!).
My goals to reach by age 40 included living in a house I own (tick) and to have written a book (tick, I just received the rejection letter from Random House to prove it!). I have had magnificent friendships, the most important of which still go on.
I could mention all by name but mostly they know what's in my heart. Elaine, Lizzie, Kirsten, Penny (and any other Aussies who have read in secret!)
Hi Rinda also, who is the other regular reader, its nice to share some post modern community with you!
Anyway, before enlightenment chop wood carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood carry water.
Must be time to chop some wood and carry some water!