Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Day 455: The last day. Yes Gentle Reader, I think tomorrow is the start of a new era, not the end of one. So the blog stops here as they say. I didn't achieve any of my body goals in the 15 months, but somehow stayed alive so thats an achievement. Im secretly amazed that I had the discipline to take a photo every day and more or less publish them regularly.
So, "forty years, how'd ya feel?" I have to say that my one and only sadness is missing out on fatherhood, otherwise in every case where I have wanted something and didn't get it, I got something unexpected and much better in its place. I have three university degrees but am most proud of my TAFE certificate in Fitness Training and my Zertificate Deutsch, both of which took copious amounts of blood, sweat and tears (not to mention embarassment and humiliation!).
My goals to reach by age 40 included living in a house I own (tick) and to have written a book (tick, I just received the rejection letter from Random House to prove it!). I have had magnificent friendships, the most important of which still go on.
I could mention all by name but mostly they know what's in my heart. Elaine, Lizzie, Kirsten, Penny (and any other Aussies who have read in secret!)
Hi Rinda also, who is the other regular reader, its nice to share some post modern community with you!

Anyway, before enlightenment chop wood carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood carry water.
Must be time to chop some wood and carry some water!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Day 453: So here I am in my world. Still a bit unexpected, still amazing. A bit blurry around the edges, but full to overflowing. I know on Thursday I will wake up in the morning and actually no magical transformations will have taken place, but there is such a sense of significance in this birthday. Maybe its just a focal point for some timely regrouping and assessing of how things are and what I want to happen next. The 30s have been 'quite a ride', and doubtlessly the best is yet to come.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Day 452: I think I look quite noice.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Day 451: Pardon Monsieur, but it is I who shall be the next President of Fwarnce.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Day 450: Heathcliff! Its ME! Cathy! I've come home.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Day 449: In the incredible glow of sunset. The rain didn't eventuate, apart from a few spits. Just enough to get out of mowing the lawn though, so that was advantagous. The pumpkins have emerged and the first shoots are appearing in the bed of summer flowers, so I'm rather excited about activities in the garden at the moment. We also planted sunflowers, capsicum, carrots, corn, tomato, zuchini and cucumber today so by the time I come back from Aus we should be eating very delicious homegrown salad for the rest of summer.

A dear friend suggested that giving up chocolate for good would be a bit extreme for her, especially as she still had some delciious stuff in the cupboard from Easter. Hmmm, I'm not sure exactly how to fit the term "ipso facto" into a sentence, but when you still have chocolate in the cupboard from Easter, there is some level of self control which is admirable and healthy. When you don't have chocolate in the cupboard from TUESDAY... perhaps the options need to be more drastic!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Day 448: Today's Sesame Street is proudly brought to you by the number 39 and the word 'procrastination'.
Yes, here is the result of the morning's German Homework. I have been toying with an idea for a new photo project and wanted to try a few things in terms of manipulation. This is nothing like the result I was hoping for but even I know there is a time to say enough is enough, please do something more worthwhile with your time. Then again, catching up with good old Lene Lovich via YouTube must have some value, her Lucky Number is still two. Aye. Aye. Aye yi yi.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Day 447: No I havn't turned into Alan Bates' mother, its a birthday present for my niece. Glad I found something 'on special' because the post from Germany is an outrageous price.

Day 446: All moody and thoughtful like and that (I wonder if 'and that' is a peculiarly Australian turn of phrase?) Do some homework you lazy lazy boy.