Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Day 19. Cropped on couch with Chinese cushions.

Monday, February 27, 2006

I took a quick series of 10 snaps this morning in a few moments of sunshine. This is the most flattering of them all, and raises an interesting quandary for me. Should I choose the most flattering photo, or the most realistic one? I know what I want to achieve from this project in the long term (artistically), but I wonder what the agenda should be on a daily basis. I guess no camera angle is going to make me look 19 and skinny :-) This could take some serious thought.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Day 17. Becoming aware of being very sick of winter. The shoots from the bulbs along the garden path have suddenly broken through in the past 3 or 4 days, and that is very exciting. Today was the local Karnaval parade and a lot more fun than the main one in town yesterday. Here lots of people danced and sang along, apart from a load of traditional German karnaval songs, the old rock song hey baby (will you be my girl) seems to be hugely popular for floats and dancing Marias.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

as my german stays much the same, does my english in fact get worse? Should this be called 15 months 'til the big four oh? Maybe till is something for farmers and shop keepers....and in german, every noun has a capital. What about kd lang?
Yes, its Karneval where everyone dresses up, people parade through the street and through lollies at each other. You'd think people had never seen a lolly before judging by the viciousness of the scramble to get them. I did score some gummibears after they hit me in the head and lodged in my collar. Otherwise, it was very very cold.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Day 15. its Karneval this weekend, time for some glitz and glamour!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Day 14. So, exactly 7 weeks since I started going to the gym and 36 workouts later, apparently my waist is 3cm bigger than when I started!!! Since my clothes are thankfully a bit looser, I will console myself that this is more human error (me and the tape measure) rather than fact and forget about measurements. Either that or pregnant...?

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Day 13. Heute, habe ich kein Deutch gesprochen.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Day 12. Made a "hilarious" faux pas in German class today, meant Schwan but said Schwanz. Apparently I revealed that I was nervous about swimming in the lake because of all the cocks, which are SO big, when actually its the swans that put me off. Add some hand charades to get the point across and horror reigned supreme.
By the way that is the shadow of the exercise bike smashing me in the jaw...even more Freudian than the Schwäne!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Day 11 of my little folly!
Its all a game until someone gets hurt.. this is how migraines start.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Day 10. Pink is a very popular and masculine colour here in Germany!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

day 9: when feeling big, stand next to something bigger! (same shirt as yesterday, very nice).

Friday, February 17, 2006

Day 8. Was feeling at a bit of a standstill, but then I realized my belt has gone in a notch. Have negotiated with my mother in law that its only necessary to eat cake on the weekends (well, that was the best I could do), so that will hopefully cut down the temptations that come my way. Pathetically happy that tomorrow is Saturday!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Day 7. Only 14 months and 3 weeks to go...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

mucking around with the new options in the image browser package. Basically look the same as yesterday under all of that, apparently chocolates for Valentine's day don't have calories, unfortunately didn't manage to eat them all yesterday...

red trackie daks - all dressed up for Valentine's Day. What a fashion victim.

Monday, February 13, 2006

day four. First day back at school, so risen and shining....at 7am, approximately 2 hours earlier than normal and having woken every half hour all night to make sure I hadn't slept in. Even with 0% body fat, this would not be a cheerful time of the morning.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Day 3.
Hugo: this time next week you could be a movie star!
Alice: Gosh, yes. I wonder which one?

the brutal truth, well watered down a bit by glass. However more brutal truths were revealed in trying to get a good photo, enough to make me give up chocolate forever. Back to the leg press big toime Monday morning!

Friday, February 10, 2006

This blog is essentially an art project, along the "photo a day" theme. In 15 months from today I will turn 40 years old. I have just started working out with the intention of being fit and healthy in my forties...a lot of work to be done in the meantime. In some ways it probably motivates me to stick to my programme knowing that the whole world can, potentially, witness any changes or lack thereof.

Hopefully sometimes I will have opportunity to create more artistic photos, but often I guess they will be quick snapshots taken whenever I get the chance that day.

So, here goes!